Creamy Chocolate Strawberries

If you love ice cream, then you'll love this. My sister went to Baguio and brought home a bag of strawberries. I initially wanted to make strawberries and cream but saw an unopened pack of Dutche cocoa powder in my cupboard and decided to make creamy choco strawberries instead. It was an experiment. I didn't know what would happen if I used cocoa powder. But it turned out great.

Thinly slice some strawberries and set aside. In a pan, pour 1/3 of a pack of Dutche cocoa powder. That's about 1/3-1/2 cup of cocoa powder. This is alkalized cocoa powder, by the way. I then added about 2T of water and heated the mixture on very low heat, just enough to melt the chocolate. Add water little by little just until all chocolate is melted. Turn off the heat. Allow to cool. Add one pack Nestle Cream and mix. Add confectioner's sugar according to taste. The chocolate that I used was bitter. I put just enough confectioner's sugar to make it bittersweet. You can also use brown sugar. I ran out of confectioner's so I added brown sugar. Mix until the sugar melts. Transfer strawberries in a container (which you can put inside the freezer) then pour chocolate-cream mixture. I arranged the strawberries by layers. I poured chocolate after every layer. You can start enjoying this on the second night of freezing. This melts really fast but tastes soooo good!

Take advantage of the abundance of strawberries this season with this easy dessert recipe!
