How to Jazz Up Your Leftovers

If you've read my post about the tanigue stew, you've read that I suggested serving this with mashed potatoes. That's exactly what I did with the leftovers with a little something else:

Buttered corn with Romano cheese! The flavors were well matched. I loved how the potatoes balanced the tomato taste of the stew. Add the buttery/cheesy goodness of the corn and you get one tasty dinner! You won't be sorry that you're eating leftovers. Even MB who was already tired of all the tomato based dishes ate this with gusto. 

So if you're picky with leftovers or if your family is, I suggest adding little extras to make the leftover dish appealing. You can add some steamed, buttered vegetables on the side, or some soup if you're serving meat. You can also serve some interesting salads, drinks and desserts. For kids, add some fun by using animal shaped noodles, fun faces and colors. You can browse the archives for leftover ideas. It's always a good practice to maximize the food that you buy and took time to prepare. Try it and compute how much money you'll save.  
