Fake Onigiris and Cornmeal Chicken

Yes, fake. Why fake? This is just plain rice. Not sushi rice. I went to Hatchin one night and finally decided to buy the onigiri molds that I've been eyeing for quite some time now. Since MB was coming home late that night I decided to play with it and this is the result. Hehe.. It's not all bad. It's rice with nori. Good thing MB liked the nori otherwise I'd end up with a bunch of onigiri to finish.

We also had my staple miso soup with tofu. That's potatoes cooked in butter seasoned with salt and parsley as we had an abundance of parsley. And finallly, some Chinese broccoli sauteed with garlic, oyster sauce, soy sauce and sugar and of course, the cornmeal chicken. This is actually a recipe taken from one of my cheap but reliable cookbooks. Recipe for this on my next post.
