Sweet Ground Chicken and Salty and Sour Beans

When I get the craving for Japanese food, it really hits me, no? I think it was more than a week that we constantly had Japanese inspired meals. But I think this is the last Japanese inspired meal for this period. Whew!

I had a handful of ground chicken and half a can of mushrooms in the ref. I sauteed some garlic and onions in very little oil then added the ground chicken. Allow this to cook until all the water evaporates. If it's too oily, discard some of the oil. Add the mushrooms. Season with oyster sauce, Kikkoman and mirin. Add some pepper. Serve hot.

For the beans, I just cooked them in a soy sauce + lemon juice mixture and sprinkled some sesame seeds. Again, that's miso soup and some boiled corn with butter. The sweet, sour, salty taste was a great palate pleaser.
