The Ultimate Caesar Kit

Because of too much stress, I’ve been having a lot of trouble eating. All I want to eat are sandwiches, vegetable salads and fresh fruit, basically, food that’s easy to eat. But I’m always on the go and I don’t have too much time to prepare my food. Good thing local supermarkets such as SM, Landmark and Rustan’s offer packed healthy meals for busy people such as myself. Here’s one example:


MB bought this for me at the Landmark supermarket for only Php59. Yesterday, I was waiting for my sister to finish her papers so that we can go to the mall together. But it was getting too late and I only ate half a bread for breakfast so I suddenly felt my sugar dropping. I was feeling dizzy and I knew that it was time to eat. By the way, this is the packaging that I was telling you about in my previous Kim n Chi post. The staff sealed the noodles in this box. Cool,  no?


It has lettuce, bacon bits, croutons, Caesar dressing and parmesan cheese. It even has a tiny plastic fork that I didn’t see until I was halfway through the meal. For me, this is the bomb. One box is enough to tide me over until I get my next meal.

Dole keeps coming up with cool products (like the fresh young coconut so that I can have my buco juice fix anytime, or the packed corn and cut apples for snack time). I can’t wait to  see more! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get my Caesar fix.
