
pink salmon, new potatoes, original glazed donut and oj, 240baon

It’s hard to be a working housewife. I have to take care of the house, take care of the chores and take care of my husband. After that, I have to attend to my own work and business. Sure I work from home most of the time but I don’t think men will ever realize how hard we women work. They don’t know that while we are doing the laundry, we are also checking on our employees, doing reports, etc. They have it easy. They go home and they have their dinner waiting for them. I’m thankful that MB helps out when he gets home. He takes care of the chores at night and all I do is cook dinner. Sometimes he even helps out with the cooking.

Mornings are a different story. I do almost everything. MB likes to sleep in and I let him because he stays up late in the night. So I have to cook breakfast and prepare his lunch and sometimes prepare his clothes when he’s running late. I was lucky to prepare this breakfast for myself. I usually just stick to leftovers or fresh fruit or bread. I wanted something different and so I fried some pink salmon in oil and seasoned it with Knorr Seasoning. I also boiled then fried some baby potatoes in olive oil and seasoned them with salt and oregano. This is quite heavy for breakfast but when I’m home, I like eating a hearty breakfast as I have tons to do and I need the energy.

The Krispy Kreme is for my midmorning snack. I downed it all with a glass of orange juice which I have yet to blog. I found a gallon of 100% OJ at S&R. It was quite expensive but it’s delicious.
